Applied Science

The content of this qualification has been developed in  consultation with academics to ensure it supports progression to higher education. In addition, employers and professional bodies have been involved and consulted, in order to confirm that the content is also appropriate and consistent with current practice for students planning to enter employment directly in the applied science sector.

Everyone taking this qualification will study three mandatory units

 ● Principles and Application of Science  

 ● Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques   

 ● Science Investigation Skills.  

Additional unit: 

 ● Physiology of Human Body Systems . 

The units will cover aspects of all three sciences and a greater emphasis on scientific skills and techniques. 


Unit 1: Principles and applications of science 

Externally assessed by a 1.5 hour exam paper.

Unit 2: Practical scientific procedures and technique

Internally assessed by assignments.

Unit 3: Science Investigation skills

Learners are required to carry a practical task lasting up to three hours, under centre supervision.   Learners then have 1.5 hours to complete a written task book. supervised by the centre. This will be externally assessed.

Unit 8: Physiology of Human Body Systems

Internally assedd by assignments.



A grade 5 in either Triple Science or Combined Science (Trilogy).   

Where can it lead?

Career Pathways: